
Formally enrolling in a CES Licensure Program or Pathway connects you to a small-school learning environment and knowledgeable professionals, experienced in their fields and skilled in facilitating outstanding professional development.



Application Process

CES Licensure staff are available to discuss program and admissions requirements with each candidate. We can help you review state regulations governing licensure, options for completing the licensure program, or options for combining licensure with completion of a Master’s Degree program. If you are planning to enroll, you must do so prior to taking your third course.

Learn more about the enrollment requirements for each program below. 

Teacher Licensure Program

Click here to learn about the program.

To enroll, you must provide the materials listed below:

  • Signed and dated Program Application Form and Financial Agreement (Forms A & B in the Application Packet)
  • 500-word essay (details are outlined in Form A in the Application Packet)
  • $75 non-refundable application fee (checks payable to Collaborative for Educational Services)
  • Current resumé
  • Official transcript(s) of Bachelor’s Degree(s) – required for admission into the Licensure Program
  • Evidence of any graduate degrees, if applicable
  • Copies of current teaching or administrative licenses/certificates, if applicable
  • Evidence of passing the Communication and Literacy Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (contact Licensure program staff for alternatives to the MTEL)
  • Three signed letters of reference
  • All applicants must provide their Massachusetts Education Personnel Identifier (MEPID) with their enrollment application. For more information about what a MEPID is and how to get one, go to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s MEPID webpage.

    Check any additional prerequisites for your Initial License. There are additional prerequisites for the following Initial Licenses:

    Administrative Leadership Program

    Click here to learn about the program.

    Program Prerequisites:

    • Completion of at least three full years of employment in an executive management/leadership role or in a supervisory, teaching, or administrative role in a public school, private school, higher education, or other educational setting accepted by DESE

    To enroll, you must provide the materials listed below:

    • Signed and dated Program Application Form and Finanial Agreement (Forms A & B in the Application Packet)
    • Personal statement (details are outlined in Form A in the Application Packet)
    • $75 non-refundable application fee (checks payable to Collaborative for Educational Services)
    • Current resumé
    • Official transcript(s) of Bachelor’s Degree(s) and any graduate degrees
    • Copies of current teaching licenses/certificates, if applicable
    • Evidence of passing the Communication and Literacy Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (contact Licensure program staff for alternatives to the MTEL)
    • Two signed letters of reference
    • All applicants must provide their Massachusetts Education Personnel Identifier (MEPID) with their enrollment application. For more information about what a MEPID is and how to get one, go to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s MEPID webpage.

      Liza Manchester

      Liza Manchester joined CES Licensure Programs in 2016. She is the point of contact for inquiries about the Licensure program as well as coordinates admissions, advising, and the practicum semester for all teacher licensure candidates. Liza hosts regular online information sessions about CES Teacher Licensure Programs. Prior to CES, Liza worked in community-based organizations and higher education in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

      Position: Candidate Advising and Practicum Manager

      Email: lmanchester@collaborative.org

      Phone: (413) 239-2398

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