Early Childhood Professional Development

Teachers and family child care providers are the cornerstone of quality early education and care programs. With well-trained staff, programs are better equipped to give children a safe, stable environment, address children’s needs, and foster growth while partnering with families to support children’s optimal development. 



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Our Approach

Our trainings include strategies for engaging and communicating with parents, creating optimal learning environments, dealing with challenging behavior, and building reflective practice into work with children.

Tailored professional development and coaching can also be offered at your site.

Our Professional Development will:

  • Expand your knowledge of current research on key issues
  • Engage you in meaningful reflection and collaboration
  • Strengthen your skills
  • Further career goals
  • Help you to connect with and learn from other providers
  • Promote positive outcomes for children
  • Address Massachusetts Core Competencies

Upcoming Offerings

CES Early Childhood Professional Development is offered each season. Scheduled sessions will be displayed here. Please contact Emily Bouvier, ebouvier@collaborative.org, for information about contracting on-site work.

Click here to download our Early Childhood Professional Development calendar.

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