Upcoming Offerings



CES offers professional development workshops, courses, conferences, and Professional Learning Communities, for educators, administrators, early childhood providers, and community members. These may be fully online, in-person, or hybrid events.

To search our active offerings, you may filter the list to the right by selecting an option under Program.


Jul 29 2024
Using genAI to Spark Creativity

What happens at the intersection of human creativity and AI tools? Have you been itching to create something, but couldn’t find the spark to move from idea to action? What if AI could help get you

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Jul 31 2024
Creating Your AI School Policy in a Day

Is it time for your district to consider establishing AI policies and procedures?  In this full-day session we’ll use CES’s AI Policy Creation Guide for School Districts to draft policy language

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Aug 6 2024
AI – Time Saver, Time Shifter, or Time Suck?

Is AI really the time saver we have all been searching for? Or is it just the newest “solution” coming to distract us from what is important in our classrooms and schools? During this three-hour

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Aug 7 2024
Assessing with ELs in Mind

Assessment is essential to quality teaching. We need to know where our students are on the road, how effective our instructional strategies are, and what challenges we need to consider as we build

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Aug 12 2024
What’s the Real Message? – Making Sense of the Challenging Behaviors We See Every Day

Do you work with students labeled as “difficult”, “challenging”, or “unmotivated”? Whether a result of trauma, depression, anxiety, or other issues, those labeled the most challenging are

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Aug 14 2024
Using Books about Diversity and Social Justice with English Learners

In this fully virtual course, teachers and other school staff will be introduced to books on diversity and social justice issues that can be used effectively with English learners and others who find

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Aug 21 2024
Generative AI: Critical Engagement Toolkit

In this three-hour virtual session, participants will explore a critical engagement toolkit designed to support metacognitive thinking and reflective engagement with multiple technical, social,

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Aug 22 2024
Youth Mental Health – Blended Learning Virtual Version

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to

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