CES Partnerships

CES partners with a number of organizations and agencies for our work. Please click on the links below to learn more about these important partnerships.

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They are responsive, innovative, always present, want to do the right thing. Willing to try things, honest, good partners.


Education Leader


CES works with funders, sister organizations and groups, and coalitions and collaboratives on a wide array of partnerships.

Statewide Projects

Department of Youth Services (DYS)

Since 2003, the Collaborative for Educational Services has been a partner to the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services in creating access to high-quality education and employment opportunities for youth in the care and custody of DYS.

Special Education in Institutional Settings (SEIS)

Since July of 2008,in partnership with DESE, CES coordinates SEIS, providing teaching and learning for the students in those settings.

The Massachusetts Migrant Education Program

The Massachusetts Special Education Surrogate Parent Program

The Special Education Team Leader Institute

The Leading Educational Access Project

Regional Consortiums and Coalitions

Strategic Planning Initiative for Families and Youth (SPIFFY)

SPIFFY is a coalition of over 80 community partners working together to improve outcomes for youth in Hampshire County. Together we promote strong families and create a local culture where youth are supported to make healthy choices.

Title III Consortium

Perkins Consortium

Tobacco-Free Community Partnership of western Massachusetts

Healthy Hampshire

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