Ask us about a tailored program of professional development, coaching, assessment, and technical assistance for your district, school, or organization that can meet your specific needs and goals. CES excels at drawing together the right multidisciplinary team for you, with deep expertise and experience in
- Engaging ELLs
- Social Justice in Education: Assessment, Capacity building, and Incident response
- Special Education: IEP teams and IEPs, Transition assessments, Inclusion practices, and Paraeducator training
- Early Childhood Programs and Practices
- Program Evaluation and Assessment
- Technology in Education: Including policy and practices around AI and other emerging technologies
- Leadership development, coaching, and mentorship
- Reading and literacy
- Community and family engagement
Our Approach
We’ll work with you to design a program that fits into your available time and takes place at your location; addresses your audiences; and addresses your objectives. Our approach to each project is highly customized and benefits from the expertise and experience of our talented consulting team. Our team of specialists and facilitators draw on successful preK-12 experience in urban, rural, and suburban schools. Our practice is grounded in high expectations for teachers and students; sensitivity to students’ cultural, linguistic, social and educational context; differentiation and tiered systems of support; and fostering students’ sense of voice, ownership, and empowerment.

Service Areas
Special Education
Our talented specialists assist schools, districts and educators in special education areas encompassing inclusion in the classroom, transition, IEP and education team leadership, co-teaching, curriculum development, and assistive technology.
English Language Learners
CES helps schools, particularly those that may have a small or low incidence of English learners, to address the regulations and the learning needs of this population within a whole school/district context. We offer expertise in school-wide tiered supports and intervention with the English learner (EL) population, and new ways of thinking about and working with ELs and their families.
Social Justice and Equity in Education
CES provides critical and timely support to school districts working to close equity and opportunity gaps. The social justice and equity work that CES offers equips educators and administrators with new insights into how discrimination, unconscious bias, and oppression impact young people in schools and what can be done to transform school culture via policies, practices, pedagogy, curriculum, and more.
Technology in Education
CES offers coaching and instruction in technology-integration, including blended and personalized learning, Google Apps for education, Digital citizenship, instructional design for high-quality online teaching, and innovative tools and instructional strategies. CES is also an authorized provider of training for ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Certification for Educators
Literacy Development
Our literacy consultants provide a variety of comprehensive literacy-centered services, identifying and providing training on educational practices leading to enhanced student performance in reading, writing, and oral language development. CES provides schools and school districts with expertise in the evaluation and assessment of struggling learners and training in research-based, successful reading and literacy interventions.
Impact of Poverty on Teaching & Learning
Based on our work with the Low-Income Education Access Project (LEAP), CES offers transformational training to build educator capacity in brain-compatible teaching and learning; school and classroom culture and climate; family and community engagement, and related topics.
History and Civics
CES’s Emerging America program offers custom professional development and curriculum support for K-12 teachers to address the new standards and the student-led civic engagement project requirement, and to increase accessibility of history-social studies curriculum.
Community Health
CES offers our sixteen years of experience at the local level to plan, coordinate and support effective public health and prevention programs addressing health, nutrition and food insecurity, fitness, underage substance abuse prevention, school climate and bullying, and trauma-informed communities.
Curriculum Consulting
CES partners with educators, school and district teams to resolve problems of practice and support school leaders, teachers and other educators to strengthen learners’ academic and social-emotional wellbeing. We situate curriculum and instruction design, revision, and implementation within the larger context of social justice, equity, and trauma-engaged practice, in order to respond to learners’ and families’ lived experience.
Early Childhood
We provide expertise, customized training and development, assessment and coaching, planning and resources for your educators, professionals, programs, and families in areas foundational to serving preschool and early grades children.
Leadership Development
With extensive knowledge of best practices and current research, our experienced, highly qualified professionals serve as a valuable resource for organizations developing district and school leaders, teacher leaders, and mentoring programs.
Research and Evaluation
The CES Research and Evaluation Department offers consulting services and expertise for schools, coalitions, municipalities and community-based organizations. We can provide brief consultations or more extensive planning and evaluation work.