The Benefits of a Culture of Sharing
Over the last several years, DYS and SEIS have been working to promote a culture that supports special education students’ access to the general curriculum.
Priority Initiatives
Priority initiatives for the coming year are focused on:
- Agency Coordination Process updated 2021
- Integrated Professional Development
- Enhanced student data sharing
- Co-planning and co-teaching
- IEP reconvene as aligned to the November 2021 Technical Assistance Advisory SPED 2021-3
- IEP Planning notes and progress reports aligned to the IEP Improvement Project
Both agencies will continue their collaborative efforts in order to promote an educational environment that provides quality special education services for all eligible DYS students.

SEIS and DYS Leadership
Teresa Poteat, M.Ed.
Position: SEIS Contract Administrator
Phone: (413) 320-3858
Woody Clift, Ph.D.
Position: Director of DYS Education Initiative