Coaching/PD for Leadership

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Coaching/Ongoing PD with Leadership Teams

We believe that equity work can emerge from any part of an organization. That being said, we see great value in providing leadership bodies with support to ensure that equity work is more than a year-long initiative that stops before any deep change takes root. We work closely with district, building, and/or instructional leaders to support building coalitions and partnerships across roles, build capacity among leaders and staff, explore and identify roots causes to inequities, identify the language and policies that are needed to make our schools places where historically marginalized students feel a deep sense of belonging and support, and focus on elegant ways to make lasting systemic change with educators and students.

Coaching and professional development with Leadership teams integrate a variety of practices customized to meet the needs and contexts of each team and community. This process includes supporting leaders to:

  • Strengthen relationships and networks of support within building and district leadership teams making it possible to move through conflict, disagreement, and burnout
  • Broaden skills and capacity for community leadership through humanizing and equity-focused approaches to listening, dialogue, and support for students, educators, and families
  • Build shared meaning and goals around equity that includes the voices and experiences of students and educators at the margins
  • Support the use of roadmaps that can make individual and systemic equity work concrete and transparent
  • Engage in self-reflection and cultivate a practice of inquiry that supports identifying root causes and highlighting assets within the community
  • Take action grounded in the wisdom and experiences of students, educators, and families most impacted by inequity and injustice
  • Engage in 6-8 week equity transformation cycles 


Portrait of senior female teacher working at her desk

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