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Results for "blog online learning"

Show Your Face to Be More Human Online

A tiny plea for more humanity in tech: It is more important than ever to have a profile picture of your actual face. Maybe you’re groaning about this or thinking, “but Casey, my Bitmoji is ...

Jacqueline LaFrance

Jacqui LaFrance is a program assistant and English language specialist for the English Learner Collaborations Project, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress to the Massachusetts Council ...

Check Your Facts (easily)

As the internet continues to flood with misinformation and disinformation, the tricks of scammers and spammers and other unreputable folk/AI, our strategies must also evolve. There are myriad ...

New Research about Data Collection

Remember that post a couple weeks ago talking about how you're responsible for the data of your friends and folks? Welp, some new research published this month provides some compelling ...

You’re responsible for their data too. Not just yours.

So, you have put the big pieces in place to keep your data safe online. You have a password manager (I use NordPass), have checked whether your accounts have been compromised through data ...

Prevention and Health Equity

At SPIFFY, health equity is at the core of our substance misuse prevention efforts. Our approach is restorative: we aim to implement collaborative, community-driven prevention strategies that ...


Schools play a critical role in prevention by acting as institutions in which youth not only spend a significant amount of time in, but also serve as a means for health education. ...

Social Justice in Education

With extensive knowledge of current theory, research, and hopeful practices, our experienced, highly qualified consultants serve as a valuable resource for the important work of building just, ...


To mark our milestone anniversary, explore our special blog series, "Looking Back," and discover how we've dedicated ourselves to supporting students and communities throughout the years.We are ...

Reliable Research

Research-based practice is critical to the ISTE Educator Standards.  Learner 1c is “Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the ...

Ed Tech & Ice Cream: The Beginning

So why “Ed Tech & Ice Cream”? Well, there are a lot of reasons, but the bottom line is that we love these two things and they've become inextricable for us. We have a tradition that after ...
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