GREENFIELD, MA — Surrounded by Greenfield Community College students, faculty and local officials, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren asked for their support to help make college more affordable, to support early…
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BEACON Students Explore GCC Pathways
…HVAC, on a visit led by the GCC Workforce Development team; and got a first hand look at how those programs work. They also got to test their skills on…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Giving students a beacon of hope: Learning program finds new routes to graduation for high schoolers
…early 2020, she met with Kristin Cole, director of workforce training programs at GCC, and Judy Raper, GCC’s associate dean of community engagement, to talk about further ways the college…
Experts discuss state of local education at GCC
GREENFIELD, MA — On the same day the Senate released its first draft of its budget, a group of experts gathered to discuss the state of local public education. Education…
At state budget hearing at GCC, school officials share unique challenges faced by rural districts
GREENFIELD — At the Joint Committee on Ways and Means’ fiscal year 2025 state budget hearing on Friday, the focus was on statewide education and local aid. At the regional…
Gazda speaks about challenges facing public education and MCAS scores with Buz Eisenberg
CES Executive Director Todd Gazda was a guest on WHMP’s The Afternoon Buzz show with Buz Eisenberg on August 17th. Gazda shared his thoughts about current challenges in public education…
Kelley Brown speaks at Mitchell Chester’s ESE All Staff Meeting
Easthampton’s Kelley Brown was the invited speaker at ESE Commissioner Mitchell Chester’s all staff meeting this past week, sharing her insights regarding professional development, curriculum frameworks and educator evaluation. Chester’s…
Family Centers and Playgroups
…than just a gathering place for children. Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 02 26 sen warren speaks gcc sen warren at gcc CES CFCE Family…
Past Project Experience & Resources
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 02 26 sen warren speaks gcc sen warren at gcc Suggested Resources from Past Projects CES has extensive experience working with EEC…