CFCE Free Workshops for Parents
Our workshops are designed for parents, grandparents, and guardians of children from birth to kindergarten age. Workshops are designed with local parents and are offered at multiple locations so families can choose the most convenient sites and dates.
Dates, times and location for scheduled workshops can be found on the calendar. Full workshop descriptions can be found below. Please register in advance.
CFCE Workshop Descriptions
Baby and Toddler Sign Language
Join us to learn how you can enhance communication with your young child before they are verbal by introducing and using ASL signs together.
Helping Children Manage Stress
This workshop will offer concrete strategies parents can use to support toddlers and preschoolers. Suggestions will be offered about responding to children in developmentally appropriate ways, and providing social emotional support.
Positive Solutions
This is an evidence-based series of 7 sessions developed by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. It is designed to help parents and caregivers promote their young child’s social and emotional development and to better understand challenging behaviors. Participants will learn how to use positive approaches to improve interactions with their child; help children learn appropriate behavior; and to build their child’s confidence and self-esteem.
Dads Rock
Does does being a father differ for you than your experiences with your father? Chat about changing roles of father-hood and how gender may or may not influence expectations and societal expectations.
Hola Amigos y Amigas
Early childhood is a wonderful time to introduce young children to other cultures. This special event introduces the Spanish and Latin American culture and it includes children’s music, stories, games, and an art activity.
Young Scientists
In this workshop we’ll talk about ways to encourage and build on your child’s natural inquisitiveness, and we’ll have hands-on activities for you and your child/scientist to explore together. Child care will be available during the parent learning session, which will be followed by fun parent-child activities.
First Steps to Reading
Did you know that you can help your child grow into reading by talking, playing, sharing books and even singing together? In this four-session workshop we’ll find out why these things are important and have lots of time for parents and children to do fun activities together.
Parenting During an Era of Climate Change
In this workshop we’ll help families build on their appreciation of nature and the outdoors in order to encourage children to be future stewards of our planet. We’ll discuss the current climate crisis and how we each manage our feelings around it & will practice setting family goals to protect our environment.