…early days over 25 years ago, the CES Early Childhood Department has been doing the hands-on work of promoting community based early childhood programs and parent education that facilitates early…
Search Results
Early Childhood Mental Health
…in Springfield, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). Home E Search query for: programs early childhood parentchild programs Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH)…
Early Literacy and ParentChild+
…a classroom. As a parent, you are the gateway to your child’s language and literacy development. Home E Search query for: programs early childhood parentchild programs What is…
Past Project Experience & Resources
Home E Search query for: programs early childhood parentchild programs Suggested Resources from Past Projects CES has extensive experience working with EEC certified providers as well as public school and…
Early Childhood Programs
…E Search query for: programs early childhood parentchild programs At the CES Early Childhood Department, we understand the importance of giving infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers access to the best quality…
White House Hosts Summit on Early Childhood Education
…on Early Childhood Education. An additional $500 million from the US Department of Health and Human Services will be dedicated to Early Head Start child-care programs. Continue reading at bostonglobe.com…
Harvard Graduate School of Education launches major early childhood initiative
Harvard Graduate School of Education(HGSE) Dean James Ryan announced today the Saul Zaentz Early Childhood Initiative at HGSE — a major investment in transforming early childhood education in the United…
Early Childhood Consulting
Pyramid Model Consulting School Readiness Institute Past Project Experience & Resources Building Inclusive Communities Home E Search query for: programs early childhood parentchild programs Designing Learning Experiences for Children Our…
Western MA coalition releases recommendations for minimizing the impact of trauma on young children involved in DCF
…and early childhood educators in each region through formalized written agreements. Such collaborations would include early childhood providers in DCF team meetings and case conferences, and vice versa. Representatives from…
New Leader of Early Childhood Programs Joins the Collaborative for Educational Services
…as experience in training and mentoring early childhood providers.” Schuman added that the Early Childhood Director plays a critical role at the agency, leading initiatives that nurture the healthy development…