SHELBURNE FALLS — The second-grade classroom hummed with chatter as students dressed appropriately in pajamas huddled in tents to read Dr. Seuss’ “Sleep Book.” “It’s really fun,” second-grader Brody Cole…
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Conway Grammar School hosts guest readers for Dr. Seuss’ birthday
CONWAY — Monday would have been the 116th birthday of Springfield native Theodor Seuss Geisel. You know him as Dr. Seuss, and for 83 years children have pored over his…
Buckland-Shelburne Elementary climbs from a ‘lowest-’ to a ‘highest-performing’ school
SHELBURNE FALLS, MA — In 2011, the Buckland-Shelburne Elementary School MCAS scores caused the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to declare BSE a “Level 3” school, which meant…
Buckland-Shelburne Elementary School welcomes new vice principal
When students at Buckland-Shelburne Elementary School arrived for the start of the academic year this month, a new face was there to greet them. New Vice Principal Joseph Moynihan took…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Lessons learned, problems solved at engineering camp
…from kindergarten through 5th grade have built Lego structures, “marble mazes,” K’nex towers, self-driving cars, and robots. Each day students received a new challenge and raw materials, watched an inspirational…
Mohawk aims to move sixth grade in 2019
BUCKLAND — If the Mohawk Trail Regional School District’s plan to move sixth-graders to the middle school is approved by member towns, today’s fourth-grade classes at Sanderson Academy, Buckland-Shelburne and…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
Select committee members, finance committee members, members of school committees and superintendents of schools from multiple Franklin, Berkshire, and Hampshire county communities, as well as superintendents from rural areas in…
The Pandemic Hurt These Students the Most
…in the spring of 2019. The decline was 15 percentile points for Black students, compared with similar students in the past, and 14 for Native students, according to the NWEA…
Focus on Teaching Students in Poverty
…Center for Schools and Communities in Camp Hill, PA, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and included Dr. Mussad’s day-long Institute, Improving Outcomes for Students in Poverty. The connection is…