The Swift River School School Committee hosted a public forum on standardized testing Thursday evening. Sharing information about standardized testing was one of the goals of the forum during the…
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Local groups team up, offer forum to guide parents in supporting children’s mental health needs during pandemic
NORTHAMPTON — Local youth-serving organizations have teamed up to offer an online forum that aims to provide parents with vital information to support their children’s mental health during the COVID-19…
Assabet Valley Collaborative students make video to connect with Taylor Swift
MARLBORO, MA – The Assabet Valley Collaborative, which works with 15 school districts including Marlborough, Maynard, Grafton and Hudson Public Schools, is hoping that Taylor Swift will see the video…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Safe and Healthy Schools Summit draws educators in discussion of how to manage race, polarizing conversations in schools
…school communities to make schools feel safe, according Mary Custard, who is the dean of students at Amherst Regional High School and served on the planning committee for the event….
Forum with legislators explores rural school aid, recreation tax and more
CHARLEMONT — State Sen. Paul Mark and state Rep. Natalie Blais fielded questions on rural school aid, potential recreation taxes, affordable housing and more during a recent public forum attended…
Conference draws 140 educators in discussion of how to manage race, polarizing conversations in schools
On November 17th, 2022 at the Log Cabin in Holyoke, the SPIFFY Coalition co-sponsored and co-organized the 9th Annual Safe and Healthy Schools Summit: Supporting Schools in Seeking Racial Healing…
Raising the bar: Belchertown elementary school to provide piano education to all students
BELCHERTOWN — A new piano lab set to be installed at Swift River Elementary School will provide all students with a basic piano education by the time they finish third…
Due to coronavirus pandemic, Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education looks to waive MCAS testing requirements for certain students
State education officials are looking to waive certain high school testing requirements for many students in Massachusetts due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Massachusetts Board of Elementary and…
Franklin Tech’s frogs along the river
…Michael Nobrega and three of his senior carpentry students at the tech school, the signs would become a long-term project for these students. Now, with the Green River cleanup coming…