NORTHAMPTON, MA – William Diehl, Executive Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton has been selected to serve on the Massachusetts Safe and Supportive Schools Commission. Diehl…
Search Results
Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…from the state capital.” The Rural Schools Commission was created by the Student Opportunity Act to investigate “robust long-term solutions” to issues uniquely impacting schools in rural areas. The state’s…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
State education formula out of whack, Commission: Health insurance, special ed underfunded
…to a report released Monday by a commission charged with evaluating the state’s school finance law. The Foundation Budget Review Commission, established by legislation in 2014, called in its report…
Commission wants $60M for rural school districts
…that will result in the closing of two or more schools.School choice ■ Cap school choice for rural districts. DESE should measure the impact of school choice, vocational schools and…
Safe and Supportive Schools for All
…our schools have long been engaged in multiple initiatives, including appropriate building security, collaboration with local law enforcement, and educator training in how to respond to threats to school safety….
ESE votes to endorse practices for safe and supportive learning for LGBTQ students
In March, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education unanimously voted to approve nine principles that ensure safe and supportive learning environments for all LGBTQ students attending school in…
Over 340 educators convene on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: Bringing together Social and Emotional Learning, Trauma Sensitivity, and Positive Behavioral Approaches in Leominster, MA
…Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative, hosted over 340 educators from school districts across the Commonwealth at the Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: Bringing Together Social and Emotional Learning, Trauma Sensitivity…
Past Project Experience & Resources
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 02 11 local educator selected safe supportive schools commission Suggested Resources from Past Projects CES has extensive experience working with EEC certified…
State’s new rural policy commission meets in Greenfield
GREENFIELD, MA — A newly formed state Rural Policy Commission set to work Friday at an organizational meeting that sets to make its top priority the 167 rural communities of…