…co-chairs of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees’ (MASC) new Small and Rural Schools Committee. Martha Thurber, chair of the Mohawk Trail Regional School District School Committee, and Sunderland Elementary…
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Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
…by introducing the Massachusetts Rural Schools Coalition to audience members. He is the Coalition’s current appointed Chair, and reported to the group that efforts to invite area school committees to…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Rural School Aid awarded to local districts
…also chairman of the Massachusetts Rural Schools Coalition, which lobbied for the new form of school aid to rural towns. “The Massachusetts Rural Schools Coalition lood to continued partnering with…
Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…enrollment factor in the existing rural school aid formula. The state provided rural school aid of $1.1 million to schools in Franklin County and the North Quabbin area this year….
ESE Issues Fiscal Conditions in Rural School Districts Report
…to be distributed to rural school districts. It examines enrollment, staffing, spending trends, local aid, school choice, and charter school tuitions to understand the challenges facing rural districts. The report…
Our Partners
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag massachusetts rural school coalition SPIFFY Coalition Partners The SPIFFY Coalition is proud to partner across sectors with a wide range of organizations…
Commission wants $60M for rural school districts
…that will result in the closing of two or more schools.School choice ■ Cap school choice for rural districts. DESE should measure the impact of school choice, vocational schools and…
US Dept of Education announces webinar “Two Approaches to Improve Student Achievement in Rural High Schools”
…for rural high school students: RMEP seeks to create a model of shared responsibility for schools in high-poverty rural environments that historically have undervalued mathematics as a requirement for future…
Distance Learning infrastructure project funded by USDA Rural Development
…safe drinking water and improved wastewater treatment facilities to rural communities. Since 2009, USDA Rural Development (@USDARD) has helped bring high-speed Internet access to nearly 6 million rural residents and…