The Board of Directors of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton has named Todd H. Gazda, Ed.D., J.D., as the new Executive Director of the Massachusetts collaborative. Dr….
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Todd Gazda
Dr. Todd Gazda is the Executive Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services. Dr. Gazda was the Superintendent of Ludlow Public Schools from 2012 to 2021. In addition, he serves…
Gazda named director of region’s educational resource center
Todd H. Gazda, the new executive director for the Collaborative for Educational Services, got a somewhat late start in education, as he first worked as a contract attorney after earning…
Gazda visit to RISE program in Springfield
…so that he might speak with teachers and staff to learn first hand how he and CES might better support the important work they do for the youth in their…
Gazda speaks about challenges facing public education and MCAS scores with Buz Eisenberg
CES Executive Director Todd Gazda was a guest on WHMP’s The Afternoon Buzz show with Buz Eisenberg on August 17th. Gazda shared his thoughts about current challenges in public education…
CES Executive Director Gazda on WHMP Afternoon Buzz podcast with Sheryl Stanton and Buz Eisenberg.
…24th. You can listen to the podcast here at this link. Gazda and Stanton discussed the evolving academic year, school district budgets and ESSER funding for schools, and health and…
AI in the Classroom
Home E Search query for: events and courses instructors todd h gazda edd jd AI in the Classroom Consulting Services The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in our schools presents…
Mount Tom Academy Graduates Class of 2022
…Dan Hayes and the commencement address given by CES Executive Director Todd Gazda, Ed.D., JD. Gazda encouraged the graduates to think about the future, saying, “Not one of you has…
Paraprofessional Training
Home E Search query for: events and courses instructors todd h gazda edd jd The CES Paraprofessional Course Series There are over 1 million paraprofessionals currently serving in U.S. schools….
…Search query for: events and courses instructors todd h gazda edd jd Creating Leadership for Change Our Approach CES specializes in working with school and district leaders; and brings deep…