…the proposed $11,721,000 budget will now go to town meeting in the 19 member towns and needs the approval of two-thirds of them to be adopted. The proposed budget represents…
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PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Gov. Baker agrees to major spending increase in his final budget
…of a $52.7 billion annual budget, vetoed less than half a million dollars of outlays, and returned 41 sections to the Legislature with proposed amendments. The fiscal year 2023 budget…
Dozens of lawmakers asking for education aid increase beyond Baker budget proposal
…must be made in a lean budget year. The $39.55 billion fiscal 2017 budget proposed by Gov. Charlie Baker includes a $72.1 million increase in Chapter 70 local education funding,…
‘We don’t come with the house’ FCTS students built Erving home with help from GSB Foundation
…of 26 Central St., a house they built with their own hands. Greenfield Savings Bank set up the Franklin Technical School Building Society Inc. to finance the project, and students…
Donate to Social Justice and Equity Fund
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2019 03 18 money for vet program proposed in tech budget fcts logo b black text 1 Support the 2025 Transforming Education for…
Mass. Schools Get More Money In The Latest Budget. A Lot More Is Likely On The Way
At first glance, the state’s much delayed fiscal 2020 budget — more appropriately a $43.1 billion spending blueprint for the next 12 months — appears to have been a win…
Early childhood educator Barbara Black named Gazette’s “Person of the Year”
NORTHAMPTON, MA — Amid the piles of brightly colored building blocks, Barbara Black, 66, kneels comfortably among several 4- and 5-year-olds on the floor of a Bridge Street School classroom….
Prevention and Health Equity
…18 money for vet program proposed in tech budget fcts logo b black text 1 Prevention and Health Equity We actively support the leadership of people of color, the LGBTQIA+…
Tech AP program wins honor
…programs for the school. The College Board also recognized FCTS for a diverse student population and its overall participation of students taking the AP exams. Eighteen schools in Massachusetts were…