At the November meeting of the CES N8tive Education Practices Professional Learning Community (PLC), co-facilitators shared their personal experiences in seeing Thanksgiving Day in a fundamentally different way. The myth…
Search Results
Early Childhood Educators PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for anyone who is an Early Childhood educator in a public school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for Early Childhood…
ELA Educators PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for anyone who is an ELA educator in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for English Language Arts educators…
Foreign Language Educators PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for anyone who is a Foreign Language educator in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for Foreign Language educators…
Math Educators PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for anyone who is a Math educator in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for Math educators to share…
…missed the first meeting, please know that you can still sign up for and attend the PLC! For questions about dates, process or other PLC matters, please email If…
Empowering Health/P.E. Educators PLC
…know that you can still sign up for and attend the PLC! For questions about dates, process or other PLC matters, please email If you attend at least 6…
Ethnic Studies Educators PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for anyone who is an Ethnic Studies educator in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for Ethnic Studies educators…
Native Education PLC: An Introduction to Mashpee Wampanoag Culture and Best Practices
The N8tive Ed. Practices PLC that began in 2021 has been invited to join the Native American Teacher Retention Initiative [NATRI] Cohort of Educators in a learning community on Canvas!…
AI in the Classroom PLC
This professional learning community (PLC) is for classroom educators in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for educators interested in AI in the Classroom to…